Patricia Suárez will be part of the ESMA investor protection committee

The president of ASUFIN will represent investors before the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), a fundamental body in the production of European standards that regulate the financial system

Patricia Suárez has been appointed to form part of the Investor Protection Committee (IPISC) of the ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority. ESMA plays a decisive role in the production of standards at the European level and in promoting and coordinating the convergence of supervisory activities in Europe. This appointment is in addition to the one obtained in June 2020, when Suárez joined the advisory council of the European Banking Authority (EBA).

Leading the group in which the president of ASUFIN will participate are the Spanish Rodrigo Buenaventura, president of the CNMV, and Montserrat Martínez Parera, vice president of the CNMV. This appointment is added to the one obtained in June 2020 and which made Suárez one of the 30 European representatives of the Advisory Council (BSG) of the European Banking Authority (EBA).

It takes place at a decisive moment with numerous challenges to respond to, such as the context of intense digitalization of finances in which we operate and that sets trends such as the irruption of investment in crypto assets.

In this scenario of changes and delicate balances, investor protection is more important than ever. The lack of information or, on the contrary, the excess or poor quality of it and the confusion, leaves many retailers unassisted in their rights. ASUFIN’s voice will contribute, once again, to combating these dangers.

Patricia Suárez considers that “It is a source of great pride for ASUFIN to be part, once again, of one of the organizations that decide the regulations that all Europeans have given ourselves to safeguard our financial system”.

We have been working since our beginnings to approach the European institutions, given that most of the regulation emanates from the community authorities. We belong to the BEUC (Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs), the largest and most representative organization, which ensures the protection of the interests of consumers in Europe. Today we are the only Spanish association specialized in banking consumption of the 45 that are part of and come from up to 32 European countries (among members of the EU and the European Economic Area). Likewise, Patricia Suárez is a member of the Board of Directors of Finance Watch, one of the most active European organizations in the defense of financial users.

Patricia Suárez Ramírez

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